"For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction." | "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson |
AAAAAAND, I'm writing it as one post since it's both about Logan and Amanda.
MORE THAN HER: 4.5 out of 5 stars
MORE THAN HIM: 5 out of 5 stars
I knew it was going to be better than the first book. I was right! I'm glad I did not give up on the series when I wanted to.
God, I absolutely ADORE Logan. Be still, my heart
That ending, though. If that was not a cliffhanger, then I don't know what is.
The writing flowed and it really gave the emotional depth to More Than Him that the first book kind of lacked. The dialogues were witty. God, the words that come out of Logan and Amanda's mouths! I was laughing, I was (almost) crying. Yep, this is a good one, that's for sure. The pacing of the story was so much better. There was a good build-up and it also allowed for better character development. The story itself... it was captivating! I think More Then Her definitely introduced Logan and Amanda as their own characters with their own story beautifully.
Oh yeaaaaah! I am now absolutely in love with this series. It may have started out a bit bumpy but Logan and Amanda's story more than makes up for it!
Have I mentioned that I ADORE Logan Matthews? Oh, yeah. I did. Well, I think I'd say it again just for good measure: I ADORE Logan Matthews! Like, for real! I mean, in More Than Her, he's like your usual cocky badass player. Sure, he went through hell to be where he was but there's no denying how utterly strong his spirit is.
In More Than Him, we get to see Logan stripped of all his defenses. He's vulnerable. He's haunted. He's tormented. He has even become even teeny tiny bit insecure about his relationship with Amanda. (Yes, they get back together. I wouldn't have expected anything less!) These character flaws only made Logan as a character all the more endearing. His vulnerabilities just about did me in. That journal chapter? Ugh. I was crying like a baby!
It was really beautiful that the author explored his other relationships and did not just focus on him and Amanda. I particularly appreciated how the author delved into his relationship with his father (both of them) and even with his friends (yes, Jake, you were kind of a sucky friend -____-).
It was also nice to see Amanda fight for their relationship, how she struggled to forgive Logan after being left alone not once, but twice by Logan! It showed how deep their love for each other ran and it was absolutely heartwarming to read.
More Than Him has it's fair share of drama, of course. And it lent the story a very emotional undertone throughout the book.