Gather ‘round, love, because I want you. I want what you have, I want what you don’t have, I want more of what I already have. I want. But if you so much as ask for something in return, go ahead and walk away. Know if you want to play in my world, it’s every man for themselves and the weak become mine. Leeches will be obliterated because I make it my job to destroy them. I protect what’s mine and I take what’s yours…because that’s what I do. I want.
My story will not endear me to you and, frankly, I could care less if it does because I’m in this for the money and nothing else. There’s nothing redeeming about me. I’m a corrupt, money hungry, immoral asshole from Los Angeles. I’m every man’s worst nightmare and every girl’s fantasy.
I’m Spencer Blackwell…And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most coveted guy to the guy no one wanted around and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
Okay. Here's the thing. You know how I kinda sorta write a little synopsis in my reviews? Well, I don't think any summary I can come up with would be able to give justice to the awesomeness that is GREED. It really is THAT amazing. I've been kind of having a reading dry spell lately and I can't find a book that I absolutely love. GREED definitely put an end to that.
After reading VAIN, I already had this idea in mind of how the rest of the books would be. I was right, to a certain extent, but GREED brings with it its own character, its own appeal... something that is UTTERLY Spencer. Sure, it parallels VAIN in some aspects but the similarities only go so far. GREED is undeniably Spencer's story and I LOVED that.
Spencer Blackwell lived for the finer things in life. What Spencer wants, Spencer gets. He grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth and he does not know how to live any other way. He has become obsessed, addicted. He cannot fathom living a life without money.
The running mantra is "I want, I want, I want" but that quickly turns to "I need, I need, I need."
But Spencer is not without a conscience. Even though he follows his father's orders like a lapdog, he can barely come to terms with everything that he has done. After one particularly nasty job order, Spencer takes off to Las Vegas to escape even just for a little while. It all goes to shit when he wakes up the next morning with his villa trashed and his money gone.
Spencer goes back to LA and it seems as if the shit just keeps piling up when he finds out that Bridget, his younger sister is in trouble, the kind of trouble that he knew his father won't stand for.
In order to protect Bridget, Spencer steals her away from his demon of a father and leaving their trophy-wife mom back with the devil. The two young Blackwells find themselves living in a trailer on the Hunt Ranch after Spencer pulled a few strings. They planned on staying there just until Bridget turns eighteen and becomes untouchable to their father, legally, at least.
You don't choose who you fall for, Spencer. Either you do or you don't...
First, Cricket has a boyfriend. One that has some serious anger management issues.
Two, Spencer feels as if Cricket is keeping a secret from him. Something BIG.
Three, his father is hellbent on destroying him and his sister.
Four, he can't seem to outrun the demons of his past sins.
Cricket intrigues Spencer and he can't help but feel attracted to her. However, no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to make her feel anything for her.
Whether they're aware of it or not, if their heart beats your name, answer the call.
The question is, would he be able to sacrifice every THING he has ever wanted in the life he has known for the one GIRL that he needed for the rest of it?
I absolutely adored Spencer Blackwell. He might seem arrogant and stuck-up but he's really just trying to fight the demons that threaten to control his life. It's his defense mechanism. One thing that we can all relate to at some point in our life.
Like I said about VAIN, I loved how we get to see these kinds of people. Spencer and Sophie? They're both born into the world of sports cars, massive houses, trust funds... we get a sneak peek into the lives of the world's 1 percent. But the most important thing about the first two books of the series is we see that they aren't that much different from the rest of us.
Like Sophie, there is so much more to Spencer than what the readers would initially think about him. It's also amazing to see his transformation throughout the duration of the book.
I never thought GREED would run as deep as it did. It definitely scared the living shit out of me. I wasn't prepared for Chapter 36. Nope. Not at all.
I loved how Fisher Amelie was able to once again bring the emotions and the characters to life. It take a really talented writer to capture that kind of emotion, put it down on the page, and bring it to life. But yes, she was able to do it yet again.
She was also able to tie the loose ends very nicely while still setting up the premise of the next book, FURY, which would again be based on a character that the reader will meet in GREED.
I am so happy with GREED. I savored every single word.

If you're interested, check out my review of VAIN, Sophie Price's story and the first book of the series, here: