PURCHASE THE BOOK | WRECK ME Author: Maria E. Monteiro Publication date: June 17th 2014 Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Synopsis: All Piper Walker wants is to feel normal again, and for the pain of losing the one person she truly loved to go away. But no matter what she does she feels like she keeps hitting a wall of hurt. |

was born in Chile, but grew up in Sleepy Hollow NY. The Catskills is now the place she calls home, alongside her husband. She has been writing since she was a little girl. Her love for reading and writing led her to obtain a BA in English and a Masters in Literacy. Maria loves to write about the small moments that become huge when falling in love. Hold on Tight is Maria E. Monteiro's debut YA novel. Her love of writing accompanies her love for music. When she is not writing, Maria can be found at a rock concert or dancing around her house.
1.What is your favorite word?
Piper: Dream, because we all have dreams and it’s up to us to make them come true.Chase: Music. It sounds like a song as it comes out of your mouth.
2. What is your least favorite word?
Piper: Death. It’s just so final.Chase: Loser. Nobody wants to be a loser.
3. What turns you on?
Piper: Breathing in my ear. And Chase's blue eyesChase: Piper
4. What turns you off?
Piper: Lies.Chase: People getting in my business.
5. What sound do you love?
Piper: The sound of water hitting the ceramic tub.Chase: The strings on my Fender guitar.
6. What sound do you hate?
Piper: Lola’s voice when she’s mad at me.Chase: Piper crying when I know I’m the reason.
7. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Piper: An English professor.Chase: A doctor.
8. What profession would you not like to do?
Piper: Anything in politics.Chase: Any job at my father’s company.
9. Tells us something no one knows about you?
Piper: I fell in love with Chase faster than I should have.Chase: The minute I saw Piper, I knew she was going to change my life.