And so, Between the Pages was created.
It was born out of whimsy, boredom, and an unsatiable desire to read and write. I've had numerous failed attempts at blogging and I found that I didn't really have the patience to religiously update the blogs. I think that's largely due to the fact that I didn't really care much for the things I used to blog about. And so, when I started blogging about something that I am obsessed about (read: books), it felt more natural than anything I've ever done. It is a combination of the two hobbies that I love most: reading and writing.
I admit, it was kind of shaky in the beginning because I HAD NO CLUE how this whole book blogging gig works. But with the help of you guys, Between the Pages slowly but surely became what it is today. When I decided to blog about my book reviews, never did I expect this tiny idea to grow into this huge project. I'm utterly grateful to everyone who has helped me along the way, especially the authors who continually inspire me to keep doing what I'm doing. :)