Cari and I formed it as a reader group and it totally evolved from there. We talk about all sorts of topics. But I warn you, it’s no for the faint of heart. LOL Things get racy in there!
Anyway, I digress. Characters…now this is my own vision of characters. Cari has a whole different way of doing things. For me? There’s always a little bit of me in there. Whether it’s the person I want to be, what I wished to be, or hope to become…all of it bleeds into the characters I create.
Especially the bad traits. All those little things you know you shouldn’t do make for perfect bits of conflict. In the Oblivion series the characters I created there’s a host of crazy that came along with it.
Deacon McCoy—gets to be the protector. I’m a big sister, so I tapped into the protective side of me. As well as the stubborn parts of me. And the judgmental part of me.
Simon Kagan—the flirty side of me that wishes I could act on my baser instincts. I let that side out of me…big time. Whoosh, that boy is a little bit of a playboy. Actually, no doubt about it. LOL But he’s also genuinely sweet and has a severe soft side for animals. He’s also far more sensitive than he lets on to the outside world.
Harper Pruitt—she’s the independent spirit I strive to be. She’s the proud and brave woman that is out there on her own and making it work. She’s also the one that trips and falls on her face when love steps in and changes her plans. And makes her change her focus for the better. That to be successful, she doesn’t have to be alone.
But those are just the ones in ROCKED. You’ll meet more of my crazy creations as the series goes on. As well as the plans we have for a spin off series. Oh the books we have in mind! It’s good to be an Indie author. I get to try out so many different things!
Thanks so much for having me on the blog. We hope to see you on the road.
Do you need to identify with a character to enjoy a book? Or are you okay with just enjoying the ride?